climate change

will lead to the mark

Climate Change Will Lead to the Mark

Yes, there are many strange things happening all around the world in regards to the weather and the environment. And many can assume that the term “climate change” is valid; as it is. BUT, first and foremost, it’s not global warming as the Pope claims. And yes, the Pope is at the forefront of this lie because he was prophesied to do this and so he is not who you think he is. If you trust the Bible and historic referencing, then see me characteristics of Antichrist page to get the truth about this man in Rome. I not only list dozens of prophecies about the fruits, characteristics and antics of the Antichrist; I show using verified historic records that every prophecy ever uttered in the Word of God regarding Antichrist have been fulfilled 100% to the letter by the Popes of Rome.

Let me ask you this.. if Russia wanted to infiltrate America, they would send a spy that acts just like an American, right? Yes, that’s how it has always worked. Well the same is true with the Government of God, or the church as most see it today. Satan hates the Lord with a passion and so he created a religious organization that borrows just enough truth from Christianity to make it appear as a church to people that refuse to truly study the Word of God. He does this to infiltrate God’s people so as to lead them to destruction just as a Russian spy would do for his government. And since the Pope of Rome became the leader of the One World Church on June 26, 2000 and the Roman International Criminal Court in March of 2001, all the churches and governments of the world now bow to the Pope as their Bibles predicted they would in Revelation 13:3,4.

All too often people like to use one or two prophecies from the Scripture to claim a certain man is the Antichrist. But that’s not how prophecy works. It is very accurate in fact. To use it haphazardly is an insult to the God that wrote it. That means, unless 100% of the prophecies being presented match one man, and that means ALL of the prophecies, and not just one or two, then that man cannot be Antichrist. And yes, for those of you that don’t like to read a lot, as there is a ton of info proving the Popes are Antichrist, there are many videos on the characteristics of Antichrist page as well. I also have a summarized video showing 11 of my favorites prophecies exposing Antichrist posted there as well.

Assuming you have checked out the data about the Pope being Antichrist and you know for fact, as did all founders of every denomination over the centuries that he is Antichrist, then the information I am about to share about his reasons for promoting the lie about global warming will make perfect sense. But even though it is actually global cooling and not global warming as nearly 32,000 real scientists have proven, it still has nothing to do with what the Pope’s claiming here. Satan knows the end time prophecies better than we do. Seeing how the Popes of Rome were prophesied to worship Satan and have been caught red handed doing so, they will naturally do as their dying god demands of them. And so even though most know the planet is not actually warming at all, they will still lie and declare it as such because to lie is to obey Satan and that is the duty of any lost soul in his camp.

Now.. even though we all know Al Gore was proven wrong and many of us now know he was hired by Pope John Paul II many years ago to push a “global warming” agenda so as to do what prophecy said the man of sin will do when it comes to cultivating an excuse to enforce the mark of the beast in a way most people will miss, the fact global warming has been proven a lie won’t stop them from pushing ahead on this because they must do as their dying god commands, and the lie itself will actually help them to enforce the mark and so they will definitely keep pushing this because Christian prophecy WILL be fulfilled! That mark will be enforced, and so the Pope will continue to do as Satan commands.

Do you recall when the Lord descended upon Mount Sinai how the people and the mountain itself trembled at His presence? (See Exodus 19:16-18) As the day of our Lord’s return comes closer to fruition, we also see the world trembling. We are right now averaging 1300 to 2000 earthquakes a week. We have also seen natural disasters all over the world get worse and more frequent with each passing day. Satan knows this to be a major sign of the end. Even the animals, birds, fish and insects are dying in massive numbers confirming the prophecy of Hosea 4:1-3 is being fulfilled as we speak.

Rome has been moved by Satan to confuse the masses as to why this is happening in the world today so as to make it appear it’s all our fault and we as humans can do something to curb the natural disasters; when in fact nothing can be done to stop it. It’s all a lie, it’s all smoke and mirrors. In fact, the CO2 levels they keep claiming are the reason for all the disasters, they have been confirmed to be at the exact same level they were back in 1910 before all the trains, cars, planes and factories we see belching out smoke today were a major part of society. Some weren’t even invented yet!

Were you also aware the US Government just awarded $1Billion to all 50 States to prepare for climate change? We all know it’s a farce, right? No money will stop it. In fact, if Obama gave each State $1Trillion dollars it wouldn’t stop what Christ penned in His Word. So, what’s the $1Billion going to be used for? Enforcement of the mark! Common sense dictates since they cannot use the money to stop what was prophesied to happen, they will only be using it so as to do as prophecy said they will do to God’s people.

The Pope knows exactly what he’s looking at here, and he knows he cannot stop what’s already begun. It’s the final prophecy. Seeing how it shows he and his dying god have little time left to lure many into hellfire with them, they have come up with the scheme that makes many think we can do something about this to stop it, and so the money flows in that perverted circle of reasoning to get everyone to follow their lead. Well.. for the sheeple that don’t read Bibles that is. Of course they cannot force real Christians to believe them because Jesus said the elect can NOT be deceived.  But since Beelzebub also knows about the Loud Cry that’s already begun, he needs to set up his foundation before the present truth goes forth in global peals of heaven sent thunder. He must have his “climate change” fiasco set up as believable and embraced by all political leaders so as to declare we all need to keep Sunday holy to try and stop the calamities. And for those that were shocked at that last statement. See my February of 2005 Truth Provided Newsletter wherein I show how they already starting claiming we need to keep Sunday holy to stop the disasters. They actually claimed the “Christmas Tsunami” that killed 300,000 people was the end result of people refusing to go to church on Sunday!

Truth is, Satan will declare this only because the Loud Cry puts forth the present truth in a way he simply cannot refute. And so as usual he will use his lies as well as physical force via the powers that be to demand anyone keeping the true seventh day Sabbath holy and not the Roman Sunday Sabbath will be punished. First with the loss of the ability to buy and sell, and then, when the weak ones have been weeded out, that being the ones that “say” they believe in the Sabbath but never really keep it or even love and obey the Lord as they should, he then goes after the strong ones with the death penalty that demands they keep Sunday holy or die. This is why there are already 30,000 guillotines in American storage facilities as we speak. Christian prophecy is THAT accurate!

Satan (and his recently exposed cohorts in Rome) believe demanding Sunday laws will target the remnant people, which it will. And he believes it will stop the message we preach, which it won’t. Truth is, when they legally make God’s law void, the calamities will actually get much worse. Satan knows this and so he uses the expected increase to declare all Sabbath keepers are the reason for the increase and therefore worthy of death because we refuse to keep Sunday holy and therefore are the reasons the disasters got much worse. It gives him the perfect reason to legalize our deaths globally and since most people are conditioned via their TV’s, video games, music and sports to see nothing wrong with such violence, he will demand we must die because the natural disasters HAVE gotten worse due to his making God’s law void. He knows Psalms 119:126 says, “It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law.” Prophecy WILL be fulfilled! And so this is why they are even talking about “pay-per-view executions” being “money makers” in the media. They are readying the masses for what the insanity of what prophecy says will soon happen.

Yes, most of the world will believe Satan who by now is standing on earth claiming to be Jesus Christ incarnate, and they will do whatever he commands through his man of sin in Rome because lies are now the people’s comfort zone and so we the remnant people will be hated and hunted simply because we want to obey God rather than man. All the world will believe the calamities are our fault because we refuse to keep Sunday holy which the Pope and his false Christ, who is now physically glorifying himself before the eyes of mankind. But prophecy will be fulfilled and those calamities will get far worse as they seek to kill us, and then those that receive the mark of the beast will have to deal with God’s wrath just as He warned. The plagues will then begin! What worse, the lost souls that have the mark believe the lies so much so that now they will ignore with their own eyes how the plagues are not affecting us in any way shape or form. While they swelter in heat, have boils upon them and cannot find bloodless water to drink, we the remnant people of God have no boils, no problems with the heat and have plenty of fresh water.  

Yes, we may see warmer Winters and somewhat colder Summers as the return of the Lord draws nigh; but the Word of our God is plain. It will NEVER change completely as the Pope and his lying scientists claim for it is written in Genesis 8:22, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”

The main reason the man of sin in Rome is pushing global
WARMING is because of plague #4. Satan has that much control over this man. The devil knows he needs to gather his troops for Armageddon so as to surround the 144,000 when that great and final day arrives. All the violence in Hollywood, sports, video games, music and society itself with legalized abortion and doctor assisted suicide has cultivated the demonic mindset that killing your fellow man is no big deal. But when the plagues begin Satan will have the perfect means by which to blame the obedient Christians and when plague #4 hits (heat) the Pope’s global warming claims will finally appear valid in the eyes of billions and it will be the final straw he needs to break the back of common sense and moral decency so as to move the crazed minds of billions into a feverish bloodthirsty pitch and by plague #7 they will be ready, willing and able to seek us out to kill us. But not to worry brothers and sisters, if you are in that number. the Bible says clearly that the 144,000 CANNOT DIE!

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“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Matthew 28:19-20


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